Xero Vs. Other Software
The big question is, why choose Xero over other software packages? There are various reasons why Xero is preferential to other software, this includes the fact that users can find out about their finances at the current moment in time as Xero works in real-time, giving an amazing edge for them over their competition. In addition to this, Xero works on a pay as you go structure so there is no large upfront cost for you to pay.
As Xero works only online there is no need to take up space installing software, and Xero will store all your backups for you so you have no need to worry about making a backup yourself. Also Xero makes sure that their product is as user friendly as it can be with new updates to it made every 3-6 weeks with ideas that our customers feel would improve on their experience. Often software companies release new versions of their software and stop updating their old software, often meaning their customers are left with an outdated piece of software unless they pay more, but with Xero you have to pay no extra fees for when their product is updated.
Another reason Xero excels compared to other accounting software is that it can be accessed by anyone who is authorised on any operating system, so even if you use a Mac there will be no compatibility issues.
The available features are: